Honors Program

What is an honors thesis?

Outstanding students in Integrative Neuroscience are encouraged to participate in the honors program. Participation requires the preparation of an honors thesis that consists of a proposal, data collection, written analysis and an oral defense of the final thesis. Successful completion of the honors program results in graduation with "Distinguished Independent Work in Integrative Neuroscience."

Benefits from completing an honors thesis

  • Demonstrates to a graduate or professional program or future employer that you are capable of planning, following through and completing a project.
  • Provides tangible proof of your motivation and dedication to the field
  • Shows that you understand all dimensions of the scientific endeavor
  • Provides you with an opportunity to work closely with a faculty mentor

Requirements for Honors in Integrative Neuroscience

  • Be declared as an Integrative Neuroscience major
  • Have achieved at least junior standing
  • Have a minimum GPA of 3.3 or higher for all courses taken for the IN major, and an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher. 
  • Be accepted by a supervising faculty member whose research is in the field of Integrative Neuroscience.

Course Requirements

  • PSYC 498 - Honors Preparation (2 credits)
    This seminar is offered for those students engaged in independent research under direct supervision of a faculty member and meet the requirements for pursuing an honors thesis in psychological science or neuroscience. Students will develop critical thinking, writing skills and research abilities culminating in an honors thesis proposal. During the class, you will work with the professor, peers and laboratory mentor with the ultimate goal of crafting a scientifically interesting, concise and rigorous proposal.
  • PSYC 397 - Independent Study in Research (2 credits)
    This will be taken at the same time as PSYC 498, and will be the start of your research under the mentorship of your faculty member. 
  • PSYC 499 - Honors Research and Thesis (4 credits)

    This is taken during your final semester as your continue your research and written thesis. In some rare cases, where students have started their thesis research before their senior year, PSYC 499 can be divided between the last two semester at 2 credits each. 

    If you choose not to complete your honors thesis, or fail to meet requirements, you will be dropped from PSYC 499 and switch to PSYC 397 (see the Psychology Academic Advisor for assistance in this process).

You may also view the requirements of the Honors Program in Integrative Neuroscience by going to the .

Procedures and Suggested Timeline

  • Junior Year (Spring) 
    • Find a faculty mentor and discuss ideas for your honors project.
  • Senior Year (Fall)
    • Course Registration: Submit the . Once approval is received from your  faculty mentor, you will automatically be registered for PSYC 498 (2 credits) and PSYC 397 (2 credits).  If your mentor feels that the you can prepare your thesis without the prep course, then your will be enrolled in PSYC 397 for 4 credits. 
    • Form an Honors Committee consisting of the faculty mentor and at least one other faculty member. The additional member(s) should be chosen in consultation with your mentor. You will meet with your committee to have your proposal approved. 
    • Thesis Proposal: Draft a proposal that is accepted by your faculty mentor. (Length and contents of the proposal will be specified by them. Do this as soon as possible!) Two weeks before meeting: Send final version of proposal to committee. Meet with members of the committee to review your proposal no later than the last day of classes. Once approved, you need to submit a PDF of your proposal using the . Once approval is confirmed, your will be registered for PSYC 499. 
  • Senior Year (Spring)
    • Course Registration: As long as approval has been received, you should automatically be register for PSYC 499 for 4 credits.
    • Finish your final thesis draft approved by faculty mentor and schedule your defense time, date and location (Can be no later than the Friday prior to the last week of classes). 
    • Thesis Defense: Send a copy of your thesis to you committee at least two weeks before your defense. You will defend the thesis orally before the committee and any other interested parties. That same day, complete any suggested revisions to your thesis. A PDF copy of the final thesis must be submitted to the Undergraduate Psychology Advising Office to certify completion of the Honors Program using the . 
    • Final Certification: Determination of your receipt of the "Distinguished Independent Work in Psychology" designation will reside solely with your Honors Committee. Assuming you have met all the requirements listed above, such certification must be conveyed via email to psyadvis@binghamton.edu by the your faculty mentor(with yourself and your other Committee Member's cc'd) so that timely notification of the award can be sent to the Dean's Office and to the Registrar.

If you have any questions, please email neuro@binghamton.edu, or schedule to meet with the Psychology/IN Academic Advisor through B-Successful.