John L. Fuller Award

John L. Fuller Award

Established in memory of John L. Fuller, former distinguished faculty member in the Psychology Department.

The award consists of two parts. First, a certificate and cash award are presented to the awardee at the recognition ceremonies associated with graduation. In addition, the name of the awardee will be engraved on a plaque that is on permanent display in the Department of Psychology.

Eligibility and Criteria

Presented to a graduating senior Integrative Neuroscience major who has shown excellence in the areas of research. Evidence of excellence in research can be derived from: completion of an Honors project in Integrative Neuroscience, the presentation of a poster or talk that describes a research project at the Psychology Department Research Fair, the Biology Department Research Fair, or a national research conference, a paper published in a journal, or any paper that describes a research project completed in a lab in the Integrative Neuroscience Program. Although research need not be original, preference will be given to students who initiate and complete original research.

Application Procedures

Application for the award is done via nomination by a faculty member affiliated with the Integrative Neuroscience program or the department of Psychology. A letter of nomination should be accompanied by an unofficial university transcript. Samples of the student's work, such as an Honors proposal or thesis, publications, or posters may also be included. (These are optional and not required for nomination.) The mid-semester deadline is announced each year.

Nominations are due by March 31, 2024

Faculty should to submit their nomination.