Current Graduate Students

Current Graduate Students

Kushariyaningsih C. Boediono: World-ecology, political economy of development, environmental history, historical sociology 

Jonathan A. Christiansen: Social movements, Transnational labor/class formation under neoliberalism, Political economy of South Asia

John Peter Antonacci: World-ecology, Sociology of War, Political Sociology, Political Theory, History of Capitalism, Hegemony as Ecological Project, Second World War 

Jacqueline M. E. Frazer: World-ecology, Disease ecology, Epidemiology, World-historical method, Anthropocene/Capitalocene, Emotional labor and Service-based labor studies.  

B眉艧ra Ferlig眉l: Political sociology, political economy, populism, Latin America

Frank Hughes: Cultural political economy, urban studies, crime and justice studies, competing methodological approaches to social science

: Political sociology, political economy, economic policy, comparative methodologies, extractive industries. My dissertation research explains Suriname's foreign-owned bauxite mining in a time of resource nationalism

Yeon-Hwa Lee: Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Public Policy, Migration, Social Change, Inequality, Stratification

Serra Kocak: Gender and Labor, Neoliberalism, Economic Assimilation, Second-Generation American Muslims

Engin Burak Yilmaz: World-Ecology Research, World-Systems Analysis, Comparative-Historical Sociology, Global Environmental Politics

Babyrani Yumnam: International Development, Historical Sociology, Borderland Studies

Harun Ercan: Structural Racism, Contentious Politics, Counterinsurgency, Organized Crime, Social Network Analysis

Stephen F. Skelly: Epidemic Disease and Social Conflict, Influenza Pandemic of 1918-1920, Global Labor History, Labor Movements, Reactionary/Counterrevolutionary Movements, Social History of Medicine and Disease, world-historical method

Marija Radovanovic: Historical Materialism, World-ecology, Political Economy, Class Struggle, US Imperialism, Cybernetic Counterrevolution, Socialism in the World-System, Planetary Management

Nicola Satchell: Political sociology, criminal justice, green criminology, community studies and postcolonial theory

Francisco J Gachet Paredes: Agrarian Studies, World-System Analysis, Political Economy of Latin America and the Andean Region

Mariah Nelson: American enslavement of Africans, systematic consequences of slavery on black families, and black fatherhood and masculinity

Anna Rebrii: Social Movements, in particular the Kurdish movement in Turkey/Syria and indigenous movements in Mexico; alternative economies, forms of governance and value systems; nation-state, gender and capitalism; oral history and ethnography

Nancy V. Pi帽eiro: Sociology of Translation, Socio-Environmental Struggles in Argentina, Social Movements, Counterhegemonic Translation, Translation Studies, Latin America, Energy

Yeter Tan: Anthropology of Law, Migration, Gender, Alternative Justice Systems, Kurdish Studies

Kenyon Cavender: Housing and the Environment, World-Systems Analysis, History of Capitalism

Hyeonseo Lee: Transition and War, History of Capitalism, World-Systems Analysis, International Political Economy, Development of Science and Technology, Competition in Space, Incorporated Comparison

Sarah Chelius: Historical Sociology, Social Movements, and Small Group Conflict and Collaboration

Javier Ezcurdia: World-Systems, Uneven and combined Development, Hegemonic transitions, Historical Capitalism, World-Ecology, Historical Sociology

Merve Kurt: Social movements, Gender, Children in Social Movements