4+1 Degree Programs

Save Time & Money

Typically, earning a master's degree takes two years. But with 香港六合彩资料's 4+1 programs, you can earn your master's degree with just one extra year of classes. You'll finish both your bachelor's degree and your master's degree in a total of five years.

By choosing a 4+1 program, you'll save a full year of tuition dollars. Plus, you'll pay undergraduate tuition rates for your graduate classes during your fourth (senior) year.

How does it work?

You complete most of the coursework for your bachelor's degree in your first three years.

In your fourth year, you take both bachelor's- and master's-level courses, graduate with your bachelor's degree and formally apply to the Graduate School. In your fifth year, you are admitted to the Graduate School and focus solely on graduate coursework.

4+1 BA-MA Program

Students have the opportunity to complete both the BA and MA in Philosophy in five years. Please see the department for more information on pursuing a 4+1/combined degree.

  • Undergraduate credits: 126
  • Double count credits: 8
  • Graduate credits: 32

4+1 BA-MBA Program

Students have the opportunity to complete both the BA in philosophy and a master's of business administration (MBA) in five years. Students should see their school advising office for questions regarding the curriculum for the undergraduate degree and the School of Management Graduate Advising Office for questions regarding the MBA program.

  • Undergraduate credits: 126
  • Double count credits: 26
  • Graduate credits: 57

4+1 BA-MPA Program

Students have the opportunity to complete both the BA in philosophy and a master's of public administration (MPA) in five years. Students should see their school advising office for questions regarding the curriculum for the undergraduate degree and the Department of Public Administration Advising Office for questions regarding the MPA program.

  • Undergraduate credits: 126
  • Double count credits: 20
  • Graduate credits: 42

Note: 18-24 double counted depending on program.

Take the 香港六合彩资料 experience to the next level. Plan your coursework early and apply for an 4+1 degree program.

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