Payroll Processing Requirements

General Information

State employees are placed in specific positions upon hire or movement within the University. Each position has a specific line number assigned to it. Prior Budget Office approval must be requested through the Position Request Form and secured for personnel actions such as hiring, promotions, percentage change, and changes in funding source.

Department Responsibilities

To ensure accuracy of personnel and financial data, the requesting department must adhere to deadlines and timing of transactions. No offer of employment may be extended until a Position Request Form requesting funding is approved by the Vice President of the hiring department (or his or her designee) the Budget Office, Human Resources and Affirmative Action, if required.

Departments are not authorized to make any offers or assurance of employment or allow employees to begin work until the Position Request has been approved by the Vice President of the hiring department (or his or her designee) the Budget Office and Human Resources.

HR Position Request Forms

Position Request Forms are web-based forms ( to go to the Position Request Form) that are submitted by a department for Budget Office approval to the corresponding vice presidential area. Departments are required to submit a Position Request Form in the following instances:

  • Requesting a new position: to request a position that does not currently exist in your department
  • Changing the funding of a position: to change the funding of a position from one organization or Fund Source to another or to split the funding of a position between more than one organization
  • Requesting a reclassification of an existing position: to change the budget title or the FTE of an existing position
  • Requesting approval to fill an existing (vacant) position: to fill a vacant position. This form may also be used by departments to request an extension of a temporary assignment.
  • Requesting approval to pay Chair/Director stipends and Also Receives

A Position Request Form must be filled out by the appropriate deadline provided by Human Resources to ensure accuracy and timeliness in payroll processes.

  • Please note: If the transaction is received by Human Resources after the stated deadline, the transaction effective date will be changed to the beginning of the next pay period, to avoid a mismatch of budgeted funds.

Once the Position Request Form is submitted on-line, the requestor will immediately receive a confirmation email. This is not considered approval. The form will then be routed by HR staff to the appropriate offices for budgetary approval. When the position is approved, the requestor will receive an approval email from an HR staff member containing the applicable position information and line number. After receiving position request approval, and Affirmative Action approval if required, departments may move forward with submitting the appropriate HR Form.

Any personnel action that results in a change of line number, assignment, or account number must take affect at the beginning of a pay period. Any change in funding must take place at the beginning of a pay period. Split account funding must use full percentages (no decimals). These must add up to 100%.