
Lab Consultants

Our consultants are philosophy and/or PPL majors with special training in critical thinking pedagogy. They are experienced, curious and excited to work with you. You can learn more about each of them below. If you would like to work with one of them in particular, click on their respective Calendly link to view availability. 

Cullin Brown - Lab Director 


Cullin Brown
Cullin Brown

Cullin Brown is a PhD candidate in 香港六合彩资料's philosophy program. His dissertation is on fitting emotions and the roles they play in our personal lives and interpersonal practices (Consider: You're amused by a video you think is funny, so you show your friend. They don't laugh, and you feel somewhat surprised, somewhat embarrassed. You express this using words and/or body language. How should we understand the values at stake in these types of situations?). Cullin is also a researcher on the MORE project, funded by the European Research Council and hosted by the University of Oslo's Institute of Health and Society. The project explores the epistemological, ethical, and educational aspects of moral residue in an interdisciplinary manner (Consider: A doctor feels terrible after being unable to help a patient through no fault of their own. How should they feel in such a situation? How can we validate their feelings of being responsible for something terrible without tacitly blaming them, which would be unfair?) Cullin has taught and TAed classes in ethics, social and political philosophy, and logic. He would be happy to think critically with you!

To see Cullin's scheduling page follow this link:

Alexandra Weber


Alexandra Weber
Alexandra Weber

Alexandra is a junior double majoring in philosophy and cinema. Her favorite topics include metaphysics and epistemology as well as different theories that question what shapes the way one perceives, interprets, and interacts with the world as an entity. Her work in cinema studies and filmmaking often overlaps with these topics. This has allowed her to experiment with perception, and think critically about the expression of identity and knowledge through film. Ethics is another branch of philosophy she enjoys studying, and uses to inspire and challenge her way of thinking. Environmental ethics is her favorite topic due to the importance it holds in contemporary society.

Some classes she has excelled in are:

  • Phil 107: Existence and Freedom
  • Phil 122: Elementary Logic
  • PHIL 149 Environmental Ethics
  • Phil 201: Plato and Aristotle

To see Alexandra's scheduling page follow this link:

Jeremy Santora


Jeremy Santora
Jeremy Santora

Jeremy is a senior majoring in philosophy and sociology. His main interests concern the historical movement of class society through webs of life as expressed in the shifting terrain of human/nature relations, jurisprudence, and the management of the labor process. His current research project investigates the emergence and deployment of Earth System Law (ESL), specifically the Rights of Nature, within post-capitalist transitions by tracking the shift from dualism to holism in the management philosophies and legal strategies of the American environmental movement throughout the 20 th and 21 st century. In addition to his research, Jeremy has a keen interest in German idealism, existentialism, post-structuralism, and

Some classes he has excelled in are:

  • Phil 107: Existence and Freedom
  • Phil 121: Methods of Reasoning
  • Phil 202: Descartes, Hume, and Kant
  • Phil 480M: Thinking Performance

To see Jeremy's scheduling page follow this link:


Contact Cullin Brown at with any questions.