Revising Programs

Revisions to graduate degrees must be reviewed by the Graduate School and approved by the Faculty Senate and Provost. Depending on the type and extent of revision, approval by SUNY and NYSED may also be required. Revisions cannot be posted or advertised if they have not been approved. Please use the SUNY guidelines provided when drafting the proposal and submit your proposal to the Dean of the Graduate School.

 Policy and procedural revisions to graduate programs, such as grievance procedures, exam deadlines and policies, and academic probation policies, should also be discussed with the Graduate School. The Graduate School can assist with ensuring that programs are aligned with national best practices in graduate education.

In certain cases, SUNY approval and NYSED registration will be required before any changes take effect. In these cases, the Program Revision Proposal: Changes to an Existing Program Form will be necessary.

Changes that combine existing programs to create new programs (including 3+2 or 4+1 programs and multi-institution programs) may also require approval and registration. For these, the Program Revision Proposal: Creating a New Program from Existing Programs Form is required.


  • More information on the policies for program revisions can be found on pages 9-10 of the