Neuroscience Lab

Research Techniques and Protocols 

Behavioral Analysis

  • Exploration of the Elevated Plus Maze (assay of anxiety)
  • Activity in the Open Field Arena (assay of anxiety and locomotion)
  • Head poking in the Hole Board Arena (assay of checking and repetition)
  • Marble burying (assay of hoarding and contamination)
  • Grooming (assay of hygiene activities)
  • Checking of Novel Object (assay of checking and neophobia)

Neurochemical Analysis

  • Measurement of neurochemical levels using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
  • Detection of stress hormone levels using ELIZA assays and spectrophotometry
  • Quantification of neuronal proteins via immunocytochemistry
  • PCR quantification of DNA and RNA

Lab Equipment 

  • high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with electrochemical detection
  • and auto sampler
  • spectrophotometric plate reader
  • immunohistochemistry slide racks and glassware
  • real-time system PCR analysis system and software
  • light microscope (with video camera) hooked up to image software
  • refrigerated cryostat
  • - 80 and – 20 oC freezers
  • bench top centrifuge
  • analytical balance
  • water bath sonicator
  • assorted behavioral arenas and mazes

Key Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • Andersen SL, Greene-Colozzi EA, and Sonntag KC (2010). . Biological Psychiatry 68:741-747.
  • Faravelli C, Sauro CL, Godini L, Lelli L, Benni L, Pietrini F, Lazzeretti L, Talamba GA, Fioravanti G, Ricca V (2012) . World Journal of Psychiatry. 2(1): 13-25.
  • Kreiss DS, Coffman CF, Fiacco NR, Granger JC, Helton BM, Jackson JC, Kim LV, Mistry RS, Mizer TM, Palmer LV, Vacca JA, Winkler SS, and Zimmer BA (2013). . Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior. 104:119-124.
  • Zike I, Xu T, Hong N, and Veenstra-VanderWeele J (2017) . Neuroscience. 345: 256–273.

Additional Resources

