Bleeding Control Flowchart

Flowchart describing actions to take during a scenario requiring a bleeding control kit.

Image text:

"Assure your safety, then look for LIFE THREATENING BLEEDING. Is a trauma kit available?

If no, use any clean cloth to apply steady and direct pressure to the wound.

If yes, move on to the next question.

Where is the wound?

If the wound is located on the neck, shoulder or groin areas, pack the wound with bleeding control (hemostatic) gauze (preferred), or any gauze or clean cloth.

If the wound is on the arm or leg, move on to the next question.

Is a tourniquet available?

If no, pack the wound with bleeding control (hemostatic) gauze (preferred), or any gauze or clean cloth.

If yes, apply the tourniquet above the bleeding site. Tighten until the bleeding stops."