Teaching Assistants

Graduate Funding for Teaching Assistants

These awards are made by the Economics Department to support the studies of outstanding graduate students. Assistantships for top applicants typically carry a stipend, along with a full tuition scholarship and health insurance. Additionally these assistantships area typically automatically renewed for at least eight semesters, assuming a GPA of at least 3.0, satisfactory academic progress, satisfactory performance of assistantship responsibilities, and availability of funds. The award of an assistantship implies that the student will perform teaching or administrative service for the department.

Graduate Scholars Fellowships

These awards are funded by the Graduate School for outstanding applicants to the program. The fellowship is usually offered in addition to an assistantship. Outstanding candidates are automatically selected by the Economics Department.

Summer Teaching Assignments

Each summer the Economics Department offers a variety of undergraduate courses. Teaching positions in these courses are generally assigned to graduate students who have completed at least two years of study.

Clifford D. Clark Diversity Fellowship for underrepresented Minorities

These fellowships are provided for outstanding students from groups historically under-represented in the University's graduate and professional programs. Approximately 20 new recipients are supported each year campus wide. Candidates must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents whose qualifications include:

  • member of a group historically underrepresented in higher education (African American, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, or Hispanic-American)

  • raised in a single-parent household

  • first-generation college student; and/or

  • history of overcoming disadvantage

Full information on applying for this fellowship may be found on the Clifford D. Clark Diversity Fellowship for Graduate Students webpage.

Adjunct Teaching Appointments

Economics graduate students with successful teaching records who have exhausted their assistantship eligibility may be appointed as adjunct lecturers within the department. Such assignments carry a stipend.

Research Assistantships

Occasionally faculty obtain grants and are able to hire one or more graduate students to assist them with research related to the scope of the grant. The availability and amount of such funds are determined by the terms of the grant.

Important Documents