Code of Ethics

The publication, , elucidates key principles, values and beliefs inherent to the ethical practice of public health. This code of ethics for public health recognizes the universal human right to the resources necessary for health and the interdependency of humans within communal environments.

The public health mandate to preserve, promote and protect the health of the public is grounded in the moral imperatives of respect, empowerment, social justice and health equity.

The code emphasizes the unique responsibility that public health practitioners have to communities for the promotion of health and prevention of disease and the vital trust that communities place in public health institutions designed to serve them.

This code of ethics functions as a guide for upholding these ideals, as well as the standard to which public health students, practitioners, programs and institutions are held accountable.

Students enrolled in the Master of Public Health program are therefore expected to uphold the public's trust by exemplifying personal integrity and ethical behavior in social, academic and professional settings.