Electronic Exam Materials

Due to the volume of exams administered by the University Testing Center throughout the semester, we are unable to offer printing and scanning services for high volume requests.

Please note we can:

  • Print double-sided on 8.5鈥漻11鈥 paper only.
  • Print or copy exams up to a total of 50 (fifty) pages per exam / per professor (including appendices with formulas or other data)
  • Scan and email back exams up to a total of 50 (fifty) pages per exam / per professor

If an exam is e-mailed to us, we recommend sending it as a PDF to ensure all formatting prints correctly.

Exams requiring special printing (colored paper, one-sided, legal sized paper, etc.) must be provided in hard copy to the UTC. Exams totaling more than fifty pages will need to be dropped off and picked up at our office by the professor/instructor or a designated individual.  

If you have any questions regarding our electronic exam materials policy, please email us at testing@binghamton.edu or call us at (607) 777-2014.