Teaching General Education Courses

As part of the University's efforts to assess General Education courses, the Faculty Senate has requested that we present a series of workshops in each General Education category. These workshops are co-sponsored by the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UUCC), the Center for Learning and Teaching, and the Provost's Office.

Teaching General Education O Courses

Friday, February 17, 2017, from noon - 1 p.m. in the 

The workshop featured presentations from experienced instructors of O courses and a representative from the UUCC discussed recommendations from the recent assessment report on Oral Communication.

Event recording in no longer available.  

Teaching General Education C Courses

Friday, March 31, 2017, from noon - 1 p.m. in UUW 324

In this workshop, Robert Danberg, Coordinator of Campus-Wide Writing Support, shared C course best practices, and members of the UUCC discussed recommendations from the recent assessment report on Composition.