EE Course Guidesheet 2022-23

PRINTER-FRIENDLY VERSION OF THE GUIDESHEETThese suggested course tracks are based on undergraduate requirements from the class entering in the 2022-23 academic year. These are only suggestions,

For Select the desired year, then click Link to Resource under the heading View Online. 

For more information on graduate-level requirements go here.

Take note of Pre- or Co-requisites.

Our curriculum is excellent preparation for graduate studies. For qualified undergraduates, we offer a five-year program that leads to both a BS and an MS degree in computer engineering or a BS in computer engineering and a master of business administration. More >> 

Year 1

Engineering Design Division: The first year is common to all engineering majors.


General Education Elective (G, P, A, N, H)

Physical Activity/Wellness (Y, S, B)


General Education Elective (G, P, A, N, H)
Physical Activity/Wellness (Y, S, B)

Year 2



Year 3



Professional Elective I

Year 4


Technical Elective I

General Education Elective (G, P, A, N, H)

General Education Elective (G, P, A, N, H)


Technical Elective II

Professional Elective II

General Education Elective (G, P, A, N, H)