COE Course Guidesheet 2024-25

PRINTER-FRIENDLY VERSION OF THE GUIDESHEETThese suggested course tracks are based on undergraduate requirements from the class entering in the 2024-25 academic year. These are only suggestions, refer to the for the official requirements for each major.

For archived requirements refer to the University Academic Guide Archives. Select the desired year, then click Link to Resource under the heading View Online. 

For more information on graduate-level requirements go here.

Any course not listed as "Professional Elective" requires signed approval from a Faculty Advisor on an Audit Exception Form – available from Watson College Advising Office. 

Our curriculum is excellent preparation for graduate studies. For qualified undergraduates, we offer a five-year program that leads to both a BS and an MS degree in computer engineering or a BS in computer engineering and a master of business administration. More >>

Year 1

Engineering Design Division: The first year is common to all engineering majors


General Education Elective (G, D, A, N, H)
Physical Activity/Wellness (Y, S, B)


General Education Elective (G, D, A, N, H)
Physical Activity/Wellness (Y, S, B)

Year 2



Year 3



General Education Elective (G, D, A, N, H)

Year 4


Technical Elective I
General Education Elective (G, D, A, N, H)


Technical Elective II
General Education Elective (G, D, A, N, H)
Professional Elective I