Campus Research Opportunity Postings (CROP)

Research Opportunities

SPARC Center - Research Assistant


The SPARC Center is a 5-year, $5 million federal grant to investigate teacher workforce issues using statewide longitudinal datasets. We have agreements to use data from 7 states but will evaluate the potential to replicate our analysis using data available in other state datasets. I am seeking individuals who will assist me and the other project researchers to evaluate the feasibility of this replication and to assist with sharing variables and analyses via the open-source community.

Faculty Advisor: Loretta Mason-Williams

Academic Department: Teaching, Learning, & Educational Leadership

Website: coming soon!

Classification: For Credit

Position Availability:

  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Fall
  • Winter


  • Junior

Appropriate Major(s):

  • All Majors

Minimum GPA (if applicable): 3.0

Pre-requisite coursework/experience: Familiarity with database management, use of Github, principles of open-source data

Application Deadline: October 1, 2024

Application Procedure:

Interested individuals should email with a short statement of why they are interested in this position and the experience/preparation that makes them qualified for the opportunity. Please also attach a current resume and inc