ࡱ> 9;8Q $bjbjXX F(2e2e  ''''';;;;W ;ccccc>>>$!k$i'>>>>>''cc> 'c'c>cݗdH 0$R$$'8>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$>>>>>>>>> : tips for Helping New employees Succeed You may think that its up to your human resource people to provide a good orientation. Youre partly rightthe HR staff should lead new employees through the labyrinth of company policies and benefits paperwork. They may also share the foundational information about your organizationits history, mission, and contribution to the community. But the way you treat these impressionable new employees is even more important. If you cant create the conditions that make them feel like a welcome part of your team immediately, you won t keep them long. Here are a few powerful things you can do in the first few weeks of a new employee s service, to help them succeed. q 1. Define the job accurately and completely, and be sure the employee understands. Although the employee saw a job description during the hiring process, it s time to go over it in detail. What does it really mean? q 2. Explain the new employee s role in your department and in the organizaiton at large. Why is their work so important? What special contribution will they be making? q 3. Explain what training and development will be available to help them master skills. (Then be sure the new hire gets that training, as soon as possible, and be prepared to do some coaching afterward, to confirm correct performance and correct what needs to be improved.) q 4. Make sure the new employee understands emergency procedures, what to do in case of an accident, and other safety issues. q 5. Introduce the new hire to the people they will be working withup, down, and across. Make sure you point out a model (a coworker who has mastered important skills) and a peer mentor. The peer mentor can take them to lunch the first day, give them a guided tour, help train them, help them get to know others, and answer questions on all sorts of little things that come up. q 6. Help the new employee understand your unique culture. What s the dress code? When and how do people take lunch and other breaks? When and how do they get together to meet or solve problems? How involved are employees in company-sponsored athletic team'8 D l t , < @ F nv"x8ƻ汧}}s}sshzCJOJQJh{UCJOJQJhvCJOJQJhc )6CJOJQJhc )5CJOJQJhc )CJOJQJhc )CJOJQJhc )5CJOJQJhe5CJOJQJhc )6CJOJQJhvCJOJQJhc )CJOJQJheOJQJhc )OJQJ-' < Z&!#$ 0dF^`0 0dF^`0 0dF^`0gde 0d^`0 hd^h`dX t &*,0~T`  RV!^!!!!!!l"z"#x$hc )CJOJQJhc )6CJOJQJh{UCJOJQJUhzCJOJQJhc )CJOJQJhvhvCJOJQJhvh{UCJOJQJhvhc )CJOJQJhc )5CJOJQJhc )CJOJQJ4s and/or events? q 7. Make the job as manageable as possible, and make conditions as predictable and controllable as you can, until the new employee gets the rhythm of their work in your company. Be prepared to help the new hire sort priorities, at first. q 8. Make performance standards clear, and let the employee know how they are doing: Better or faster than you expected? Good enough for now? When will the quantity or quality need to match that of other employees? Be observant, so you can  catch the new employee doing something right and comment on it, specifically! Positive feedback is a very powerful tool to motivate and reinforce; it trains the employee to give you more of the behavior you re looking for. q 9. If a personal crisis occurs within these first critical weeks, don t cast the new hire out on their own to handle it. Be a good listener, and refer the employee to professional sources of help such as an employee assistance program. 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