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By increasing the new or transferring employees ability to contribute to the department and organization, the peer mentor helps increase their self-confidence. Hiring Managers You are responsible for selecting a peer mentor for your new or transferring employee. Selection should be based on the following characteristics: Demonstration of high performance Is willing and able to be accessible to the new or transferring employee Is skilled or knowledgeable about the new or transferring employees job Is proud of the RF and the department Is a peer of the new or transferring employee Has patience, and good communication and interpersonal skills Wants to be a peer mentor Is a role model and well regarded and respected by team members Has been selected in advance and trained in their responsibilities Peer Mentors Responsibilities Be a contact for general information on policies, procedures, work rules, norms, day-to-day operational issues, etc. Help the new or transferring employee integrate with the department and organization regarding RF culture, norms, and expectations. Make introductions and help establish networks Assist in training Establish rapport and provide open, positive communication, respecting confidentiality Follow up with the new or transferring employee on a weekly basis. This can include meeting for lunch, brief chats, accompanying them to a meeting, etc. Formal Relationship 3 months Day One meet your new or transferring employee on their first day. Weekly meetings 5 15 minutes in duration, or longer as needed Call/email questions as needed. Peer mentor to set acceptable parameters. Informal Relationship 3-6 months, or longer The peer mentor can provide continued support beyond the initial 3 months if desired by both the peer mentor and the employee. What a Peer Mentor is Not A peer mentor is not a manager. Manager: Someone responsible for the employees job performance and development. The manager resolves work-related issues. Having a Peer mentor is a Win/Win/Win Solution This offers significant benefits to the new employee, the peer mentor, and RF: Peer Mentor BenefitsNew Employee BenefitsRF BenefitsRecognition as a strong performerOne-on-one assistanceIncreased employee satisfaction and retentionExpanded networkJump-start on networkingIncreased employee communicationOpportunity to encourage and engage othersSingle point-of-contactEnhanced employee developmentA fresh perspectiveKnowledge of how things really get done.Enhanced quality work processesEnhanced leadership and communication skillsSmoother acclimation and onboarding periodIncreased employee productivity +016Y^_dfhsw8 N P j  " 6 ? M T c m u |   & 1   ! " ϿϿ߻㻿㿻ӿ㻿߰ hTh*Sh!h!hNr h5 h[b%hThhRhZ]ihv<h*Sheh[b% hR5 hMB5 he5 h[b%5ENOf ! 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