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headshot of Lun Yue

Lun Yue

Assistant Professor

Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy


To capture the time evolution of a fast process, we need an even faster probe that allows us to "freeze" the motion into a series of snapshots. Intense, ultrashort laser pulses provide such a probe, enabling scientists to not only observe but also control electron and nuclear dynamics on their natural timescales — ranging from attoseconds (10^{-18} seconds) to femtoseconds (10^{-15} seconds). Understanding and controlling these ultrafast electron dynamics is of fundamental and technological importance, as electron motion underpins processes such as current flow in materials and the initiation of chemical reactions. 

Lun Yue's theoretical research is in strong-field and ultrafast physics, focusing on both condensed-phase and gas-phase systems. He aims to develop the theoretical frameworks and numerical tools necessary to predict, control and probe the nonperturbative phenomena arising from strong laser-matter interactions. His research interests span from high-frequency light generation in two-dimensional, bulk and topological materials to the study of correlation-induced fragmentation in molecules.

Select Publications

  • L. Yue and M. B. Gaarde, "Introduction to theory of high-harmonic generation in solids: tutorial", J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 39, 535 (2022).
  • L. Yue and M. B. Gaarde, "Characterizing Anomalous High-Harmonic Generation in Solids", Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 166903 (2023)
  • L. Yue, R. Hollinger et al., "Signatures of multi-band effects in high-harmonic generation in monolayer MoS2", Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 147401 (2022).
  • L. Yue and M. B. Gaarde, "Imperfect recollisions in high-harmonic generation in solids", Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 153204 (2020).
  • L. Yue and L. B. Madsen, "Characterization of molecular breakup by very intense femtosecond xuv laser pulses", Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 033001 (2015).


  • PhD, Aarhus University

Research Interests

  • Theoretical attosecond and strong-field physics
  • Ultrafast electron dynamics in condensed matter and gases
  • Theory and method development for strong laser-matter interaction

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