Educational Leave Policy - Classified Service

Policy Information
Policy TitleEducational Leave Policy - Classified Service
Responsible OfficeHuman Resources
Policy TypePersonnel and Payroll
Policy Number625
Last Revision Date1/4/2024


Educational leave may be granted to employees in the classified service who meet the requirements set forth below. The objective of granting such leave is to provide the employee an opportunity to obtain the qualifications and training necessary to achieve career goals within State service. In all cases, the leave is considered discretionary and not a right and subject to the operational needs of the department.


Educational leave without salary may be granted for study in an academic institution or for other training programs designed to expand employee skills and enhance advancement opportunities.


Any permanent full-time or part-time classified service employee who has completed at least two years of continuous State service at the University is eligible to apply for educational leave. In computing continuous service for the purpose of this section, periods of vacation leave and sick leave with salary shall be included; periods of leave of absence, other than vacation and sick leave with salary and periods of active service in the military shall not be included.

Extent of Leave

An eligible employee may be granted, at the discretion of the appointing authority, an educational leave of absence without pay for a period not to exceed a maximum of two years.


Application for educational leave should be submitted in writing to the employee鈥檚 supervisor no later than six months in advance of the requested effective date of the leave unless such requirement is expressly waived by the appointing authority. Each application shall include a statement that outlines the program to be pursued and cite the expected benefits to the employee and to the University.


The employee鈥檚 supervisor will respond, within 30 days, in writing with the initial decision. If the request is approved at this level, it is then forwarded to the appropriate authority for review and approval. For those employees under the aegis of Harpur College, the Dean鈥檚 office must review and render all final decisions regarding educational leaves. The Dean鈥檚 office will collaborate with the supervisor regarding the request and then recommend the final decision to the Office of Human Resources. For all other employees, the final review and decision will rest with the appropriate Vice President, Dean or Director. If a request is denied, the supervisor will upon request, provide the employee with a written explanation of the reasons for the denial.


A denial of educational leave may be appealed to the Senior Associate Director of Human Resources. The Senior Associate Director of Human Resources or his/her designee will meet with the employee and will consult as appropriate to review the decision. In the case of Harpur College, the Human Resources Office will confer with the Dean鈥檚 office on the matter. Human Resources will then discuss the matter with the appropriate Vice President and recommend a final decision. The results will be communicated to the employee in writing and there shall be no further appeal.

Director of Human Resources, 607-777-4939