Employee Identification Cards

Policy Information
Policy TitleEmployee Identification Cards
Responsible OfficeHuman Resources
Policy TypePersonnel and Payroll
Policy Number611
Last Revision Date1/11/0204


Identification cards for paid employees of New York State are authorized and issued by the Office of Human Resources. Identification cards are important to both University employees and the University, given potential security and safety issues of the modern workplace. For Facilities Management classified staff, they are used to swipe in and out during the work day and to record their attendance and accrual usage/use. For those employees, they must obtain their ID card on their first day of work. Generally, for all other employees, they should arrange to obtain their ID card within the first week of employment. The holder of the card may use it to verify his or her University employment both on and off campus, and to gain admission to various University facilities, events, and services (such as athletic events, social/cultural events, the Library, the Fit Space, etc.). Employees should carry the card, which includes a color photo, at all times.

University employees may be required to show their ID cards upon request from a member of the University Police force or other appropriate official. Refusal or failure to do so may be considered a violation of the University鈥檚 Rules for the Maintenance of Public Order and of this procedure.

Issuance of Identification Cards

When faculty/staff are hired at the University, information about their hire is entered in the SUNY HR system. The appointment data must roll through the SUNY HR system to the Banner system to the ID system. HR staff access the ID system when the newly hired faculty/staff person requests the ID card.

Return of Identification Cards

Upon separation from the University, all faculty/staff must return their permanent ID card to the Human Resources Office or to their supervisor for transmittal to that office. This must be done before the date of the separated employee鈥檚 final salary check. Failure or refusal to do so could result in the University holding the final salary check until the ID is returned. In the case of retirement, the employee should apply for a new ID card indicating their retiree status. It will then enable the retiree to continue to use certain University facilities and services in appreciation of past service.


Associate Director of Human Resources, 607-777-6613
Human Resources Director, 607-777-4939