Process for Reimbursing State Salaries Through the Research Foundation of SUNY from Externally Sponsored Projects

Policy Information
Policy TitleProcess for Reimbursing State Salaries Through the Research Foundation of SUNY from Externally Sponsored Projects
Responsible OfficeResearch Foundation for SUNY
Policy TypeBusiness Affairs
Policy Number207
Last Revision Date8/20/2024

This procedure is designed to provide information and assistance regarding the administration of outside sponsored funds and process to secure funds that will be used to reimburse the department or divisional unit for salaries and benefits paid to State employees from projects administered through the Research Foundation for SUNY.

Questions regarding this procedure should be directed to the Associate Vice President for Research or the Director, Grants Financial Management.

When an account for an outside sponsored award is established by The Office of Grants Management and it includes provisions and funds for reimbursement of State employee release time or direct employee payment through the State, the following procedures will apply:

  1. Grants Management communicates with the Principal Investigator confirming the Income Fund Reimbursement (IFR) transactions to be processed. Information for the IFR is based on award/project budgets. 
  2. The Principal Investigator confirms the IFR to be transferred and the Campus account that is to receive the funds. 
  3. Grants Management will complete the Research Foundation for State University of New York Income Fund Reimbursable (RF IFR) form and send it to the Principal Investigator for signature.
  4. The Principal Investigator or Delegate will sign the RF IFR form and forward it to his/her Department Chair and or Dean and or Vice President, for administrative signature. The signed RF IFR form is then forwarded to Grants Management for final approval by the Associate Vice President for Research, Assistant Vice President of Sponsored Programs or the Director, Grants Financial Administration.
  5. Reimbursement is then made by the Research Foundation to the specified IFR account

Please contact Grants Management for revisions to previously processed Research Foundation IFR forms.

Date Description Responsible Party
8/202024 Approved by Senior Officers Group on 8/20/24 Research Foundation for SUNY