Coordination of the New York State Codes

Policy Information
Policy TitleCoordination of the New York State Codes
Responsible OfficeEnvironmental Health and Safety (EH&S)
Policy TypeEnvironmental Health
Policy Number1018
Last Revision Date10/25/2023

Fire Safety Inspections

Title 19 and the State Education law (807.b), of the New York State Code, Rules and Regulations mandates that public college facilities shall be inspected annually. These annual fire inspections are conducted by representatives of the New York State Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Office of Fire Prevention and Control (OFPC).  Inspection reports are forwarded to the Department of Environmental Health and Safety for coordination of follow-up activities to correct unsafe conditions or violations.  A corrective plan must be written for any violation needing an extension beyond the abatement date.

A staff member in the Department of Environmental Health and Safety has been designated Code Coordinator as required by NYCRR, Title 19, Section 1204.5 of the regulation.  It is the responsibility of the Code Coordinator to ensure fire safety inspections are conducted.

Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) also has staff that are certified as Code Enforcement Officials (CEO)鈥檚.  These staff members also ensure that inspections are scheduled and conducted.

During the inspection process, EH&S CEO鈥檚 will assist representatives of OFPC.  At the conclusion of the inspection process OFPC will send a report to EH&S which specifies a Certification of Compliance (CoC) for the specified building.

EH&S CEO鈥檚 will coordinate with Building Administrators, Facilities Management, and vendors/contractors to ensure the unsafe conditions and/or violations found during the inspection process are remedied.  A corrective plan must be written for any violation needing an extension beyond the abatement date.

Once all unsafe conditions and/or violations are remedied, OFPC will issue a new CoC which will be placed at the main entrance of the corresponding building.