Leadership Development Program

Leadership Development Program

The Leadership Development Program (LDP) for Supervisors began with a pilot program in fall 2013. Nominations for the 2023 program are now being accepted.

Participants are selected from among the direct reports that you and other supervisors nominate. You also may nominate yourself. New employees who will be supervisors will also be considered for the program.

Program Components

Three interrelated components are at the heart of the training program: interactive classroom sessions, online training modules and mentoring.

Interactive sessions â€” Topics and activities in the three half-day classroom sessions will include leadership theory, self-assessment exercises, practice exercises and improvement planning. Each session is designed to promote collaborative learning and development of professional networks using established leadership models.

We will focus the classroom presentations, discussion and exploration of developmental opportunities and resources on the following topics:

  • Individual leadership (e.g., ethics, motivation, intellectual stimulation)
  • Team leadership (e.g., empowerment, coaching, decision making)
  • Organizational leadership (e.g., adaptability, judgment, integrity)

Online modules â€” Supervisory responsibilities, including performance/evaluation programs, tenure and sabbaticals, and financial/budget management, will be addressed in a series of short online modules, supplementing the interactive/classroom component.

Mentoring â€” Each participating supervisor is assigned a mentor to help develop a better understanding of leadership practice in general as well as specific leadership strategies applicable to his/her own role at the University. Mentoring relationships are integral to building a cohesive and collaborative network of University leaders.

Aaron Phelps
University Center of Training and Development