Programming Languages, Compilers and Software Engineering

Faculty working in this area

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Eric Atkinson
William Hallahan
Leslie C. Lander
Yu (David) Liu
Aravind Prakash

Highlights in this area

works on programming languages for uncertainty, including probabilistic programming and nondeterministic belief programming. His research interests include programming languages, program runtimes, program analysis, formal methods and language design for unusual domains. 

 is interested in formal methods, including program analysis, verification and synthesis techniques. He applies theses techniques across a variety of domains, including functional programming languages, networking systems and machine learning models.  

researches programming languages and software engineering (energy-aware programming languages, energy-efficient and power-aware language runtimes, energy-aware deep neutral networks), security (formal reasoning of software/hardware interfaces) and robotics (safety and reliability of UAVs).  

 specializes in source code and binary program analysis with emphasis on security. His recent and ongoing projects include code instrumentation via compiler modifications and binary instrumentation to enforce security policies. His group also works on vulnerability analysis and hardware-software cohesive security.