Biological Sciences

Graduate Programs

The Department of Biological Sciences offers:

  • PhD research program
  • Master of Science — research thesis
  • Master of Arts — non-thesis
  • 4+1 BA-MS degree
  • Certificate in College Teaching

Students may specialize in one of these tracks:

  • Biochemistry, cell biology and molecular biology
  • Ecology, evolution and behavior


Admission to the graduate program is open to qualified students with a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent in biological sciences or biochemistry. All applicants should submit a complete set of official transcripts, at least two letters of recommendation, a statement of professional interests and goals; scores for the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) are optional for domestic applicants. For applications to the MS and PhD programs, applicants should have some undergraduate research experience.

Students who did not receive undergraduate degrees from  the United States must also submit proof of English proficiency (such as TOEFL, IELTS or PTE Academic scores) and scores of GRE. Contact the graduate program for the consideration of exam waiver. International students who have received a college or university degree from an institution in the United States, United Kingdom (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales), Ireland, Australia, New Zealand or some Canadian provinces are not required to submit TOEFL, IELTS or PTE Academic scores. Additionally, all international students must provide immigration forms guaranteeing financial support.

Doctor of Philosophy

The Biological Sciences Department is made up of many subdisciplines, each with its own special requirements. Graduate students entering these subdisciplines have a variety of backgrounds and future needs. The department recognizes these differences by stressing maximum flexibility for the program of each individual student. This flexible planning is the province of the committee supervising the research program of the graduate student.

The PhD is a research degree. Entering graduate students must affiliate with a professor, form a four-person supervisory committee and begin research in the first semester. Regular meetings with the supervisory committee are required. The major steps leading to the granting of the degree are:

  1. Take the concentration examination by the end of the first full year of study.
  2. Take the formal research proposal examination prior to the start of the fifth semester.
  3. Submit an approved dissertation prospectus.
  4. Submit the dissertation.
  5. Give a final oral defense of the dissertation, including a departmental seminar on the research. 

Course Requirements

Doctoral students must complete 30 credits of graduate coursework, including two credits of BIOL 680X and four credits of seminar courses (BIOL 580 or equivalent). Other specific course requirements are determined for each student by the supervisory committee.

Concentration Examination

Concentration exams evaluate if a doctoral student has gained basic graduate-level expertise in his or her field. The concentration exam is a written and/or oral exam consisting of three specialty sections which are administered across several days.

The specialty sections are determined by the student’s supervisory committee. The areas of specialty include, but are not limited to, behavior, biochemistry, cell biology, ecology, endocrinology, evolution, evolutionary genetics, genetics, immunology, microbiology, molecular biology, neurobiology, animal physiology and plant physiology.

At this time, the need for the ability to read and/or speak a foreign language is evaluated. The need for a foreign language varies considerably within the different subdisciplines of biology. The requirement is therefore flexible (usually one or no foreign language) and is determined by the individual supervisory committee.

Formal Research Proposal Examination

The purpose of this examination is to ensure a doctoral level of general research skills (e.g., ability to write an NSF- or NIH-type grant proposal, ability to discuss and defend ideas, competency in review and interpretation of the literature, competency in experimental design). The examination consists of the student submitting a formal research proposal to the student’s supervisory committee and then defending the proposal at a meeting with the committee. The proposal should be in the style of a standard grant proposal to the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health or another federal funding agency with similar proposal requirements.

Dissertation Prospectus

A dissertation prospectus must be submitted within two months following the completion of the formal research proposal examination. This prospectus is a revised version of the research proposal submitted to the supervisory committee for the formal research proposal examination. The four-member supervisory committee must approve the revision in writing. A copy of the approved revision must be submitted to the department. Meetings between the student and supervisory committee should continue on a regular basis to allow committee members to monitor the progress of the research.

Final Oral Defense

After the dissertation is submitted, the research must be defended in an oral examination. A five-member committee made up of the supervising professor, the other three members of the supervisory committee and an outside examiner appointed by the Graduate School conduct this examination. This examination covers the details, background and implications of the student’s research.

Presentation Requirement

Beginning in the third year, all doctoral students are required to give an annual presentation on their research. A variety of venues are acceptable, including a talk at 1) the meeting of a professional society (includes posters), 2) the regular Friday afternoon departmental seminar, 3) the annual departmental research symposium held in January (includes posters) or 4) an organized research discussion group within the department.

Master of Science

The MS degree allows students to expand their background in a specific area of the biological sciences and to gain experience in research. Entering students must affiliate with a professor, form a three-member supervisory committee and begin research in the first semester. Soon after formation, the committee meets with the student to establish the nature and scope of the research. The committee meets regularly to assess the student’s progress.

Course Requirements

A minimum of 30 credits beyond the bachelor’s degree is required for completion of the MS degree. These credits are distributed as follows:

  • 20 credits of courses numbered 500 or above (exclusive of BIOL 591, 595, 599, 696, 699, and all MAT/MSEd courses). In addition to formally structured BIOL courses, these may include up to eight elective courses outside of the biological sciences. Approval of the supervisory committee is required. A maximum of 12 credits of BIOL 597 Independent Study is allowed.
  • Four credits of BIOL 580 seminar courses (or equivalent).
  • Six credits of BIOL 599 Investigations in Biology — Thesis are required.

Granting of the Degree

The department requires that each candidate for the degree of Master of Science in Biological Sciences complete the following additional requirements:

  • Maintain a 3.0 grade-point average in all graduate credit courses.
  • Complete a thesis acceptable to the supervisory committee.
  • Pass a final oral examination on the subject matter of the thesis and related biological knowledge.
  • Present a formal seminar to the department based on the thesis research.

Master of Arts — Non-Thesis Program

An accumulation of a minimum of 30 credit hours beyond the bachelor’s degree is required for completion of the Master of Arts degree. A cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 or above is required. These credit hours are to be fulfilled as follows:

  • 26 credit hours of courses numbered BIOL 500 or above (including two-credit BIOL seminar courses and excluding BIOL 591, 595, 599, 680X, 696, 699, and all MAT/MSEd courses). In addition, the options below may be used in part to fulfill the 26 credit requirement.
    • Up to two courses (maximum of eight credit hours) from courses outside Biological Sciences (with advisor approval).
    • Up to eight credit hours of BIOL 597. BIOL 597 is for independent study arranged with a faculty member. Up to two 400-level undergraduate courses (maximum of eight credits) may be taken as BIOL 597 with permission from the instructor, the student's advisor and approval from the Graduate School. This requires that extra work be identified and completed to justify graduate credit. 

In addition:

  • two credit hours of BIOL 680X (Departmental Seminar) (one credit each semester); additional credits of 680X will not be applied toward the degree.
  • two credit hours of BIOL 680M Capstone course (see below for more information)

MA Project

This project will be completed through the BIOL 680M Capstone course, which is required for all MA students in the Department of Biological Sciences. In the rare situation that a student cannot complete the project through the MA program, alternate accommodations can be made only with the permission of the director of the biological sciences MA program.

Certificate in College Teaching

Colleges and universities frequently want new faculty to have a demonstrated proficiency in teaching as well as research. The Graduate School outlines requirements for two teaching certificates that may be earned (one for teaching proficiency at the college/university level, and one for community college teaching). Both certificates require participation in teaching workshops, demonstration of teaching skills in a formal setting and preparation of a teaching portfolio. See the Graduate School Teaching Certificate web page for details on how to complete the requirements for these teaching certificates. 


This certificate is only for graduate students in the Biological Sciences Department; therefore, no formal admission process is necessary. However, the student must check with the graduate secretary of the department for detailed instructions on how to proceed with fulfilling the requirements for this certificate.

Other Graduate Degrees

Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) and Master of Science in Education (MSEd) degree programs in biology adolescence education, grades 7-12, are available in conjunction with the Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership in the College of Community and Public Affairs.

List of Faculty