Public Administration

The mission of the MPA Program at 香港六合彩资料 is to enhance the commitment and capacity of our students as well as local government and nonprofit partners to be effective public service leaders, who are equipped to:

  • make evidence鈥恇ased decisions;
  • recognize and rectify inequities;
  • promote inclusive institutions;
  • embrace democratic processes; 
  • adapt to changing circumstances; and
  • model high ethical standards.

The program accomplishes this through an engaged, inclusive and interdisciplinary approach to teaching, research and service in local and global settings.

The MPA Program defines the bulleted elements of the mission in the following ways:

To make evidence鈥恇ased decisions:
The MPA program models and helps equip others to apply evidence to public service decisions, both by conducting research and by being an informed consumer of research conducted by others. In conducting research, this involves skills in: collecting data from reliable sources; selecting measures, data sources and analytical tools with particular attention to social equity implications; selecting and applying a research design appropriate to the problem; being transparent about the data being used for decisions; and using logic in framing an argument. To be an informed consumer of research, the MPA program prioritizes assessing the quality of evidence and arguments made by others; and evaluating whether the conclusions drawn are supported by the data.

To recognize and rectify inequities:
We believe in the essential dignity of all people. Yet, public policies and public service institutions around the world do not consistently reflect this belief. In nearly every country, discrimination, exclusion and violence directed at particular groups is part of their past and present. For those studying or practicing public administration in the United States, it is essential to understand the historical and current manifestation of racism and colonialism affecting a cross-section of groups historically defined as non-white. It is also critical to appreciate the role public administrators have played in creating and maintaining structural racism. The MPA program seeks to prepare individuals to engage in explicitly anti-racist and anti-oppressive practice to address the most pressing elements of structural inequity of any given time and place. We recognize that barriers to full participation in civic life are not limited to race. Embracing the essential dignity of all people means making it possible for all community members to participate fully in civic life, particularly the many individuals and groups who have experienced exclusion.

The MPA program is dedicated to helping individuals use critical self鈥恟eflection and high-quality evidence to recognize the occurrence and implications of disproportionate access, to identify which groups are advantaged and disadvantaged by deeply embedded institutions and policies, and to understand the legacy effects of historical practices. The MPA program recognizes equity to include race and social equity, gender equity, environmental equity, economic equity, as well intergenerational equity. Beyond merely recognizing inequities, we strive to prepare individuals and institutions to work to rectify inequities within their own personal and professional realms. We do not have grandiose expectations that our students, community partners or the program as a whole can redress all societal inequity, but rather we believe that every public service professional has a responsibility to do their part to make the world more equitable. To that end, we help prepare students and we collaborate with government and civil society partners to apply the skills of evidence鈥恇ased decision making to address inequities, and to regularly engage in personal and professional self鈥恟eflection about one鈥檚 contributions to systems of inequity and one鈥檚 efforts to address them.

To promote inclusive institutions:
There is considerable evidence of declining trust in the public, particularly government, officials and institutions. The MPA program recognizes this as a symptom of an underlying problem rather than the problem itself. Public service professionals have a responsibility to help make public institutions more trustworthy, transparent, and genuinely welcoming, and to encourage and embrace rather than merely tolerating diversity. Like social equity, inclusion requires more than eliminating formal barriers or accepting those willing to assimilate to majority group norms or an existing organizational culture. Inclusion requires positive actions to ensure that classroom, organizational, and community environments are welcoming and supportive of individuals from historically marginalized groups. This requires the ability to reflect on how the cultures, norms, policies and procedures of organizations, social structures and networks exclude individuals from some groups from full participation and corresponding benefits. Among the essential skills for promoting inclusive institutions are the ability to: recognize and take steps to address implicit and unconscious bias; actively and respectfully listen to those who have been excluded; demonstrate emotional intelligence in managing change; and advocate for anti-racist and anti-oppressive practice.

To embrace democratic processes:
The on鈥恎oing work of building strong communities is maintained through democratic processes that encourage diversity of perspective, and welcome every individual to contribute in a constructive way. To achieve this, the MPA program builds skills that allow faculty, students and alumni to facilitate public engagement; incorporate feedback from communities; make decisions in a transparent manner; educate community members about the importance of democratic processes; and strengthen democratic foundations. We recognize that participation takes a wide variety of forms, and that discourse can and, at times should, make people feel uncomfortable. We assert that even difficult conversations need to be conducted in good faith and with respect, to ensure peaceful resolution of differences.

To adapt to changing circumstances:
Despite the popular perceptions of bureaucracy as rule-bound and highly inflexible, modern public service requires individuals who are able to operate effectively under ambiguous and changing circumstances. This demands an ability to be receptive to new information and new understandings, to reimagine alternatives to the established ways of doing business, and to exercise sufficient self-confidence so as to act. The MPA program encourages creativity in problem solving and helps encourage risk taking in the service of broader public service goals. The MPA program helps students to develop these skills and models the same skills within our internal practices.     

To model high ethical standards:
The MPA Program equips students to model high ethical standards in how they carry out all of their duties. We do this by instilling an understanding of ethics that transcends the absence of illegal behavior and calls for the recognition of accountability to both a local and global community. We embody ethical behavior as including, but not limited to: promoting civil discourse; internalizing an appreciation for trade鈥恛ffs involved in decision making; regarding public service over personal interest; engaging in personal and professional self-reflection; and making continuous efforts to remain informed, active participants in their organizations and communities.

Core Values

The MPA Program at 香港六合彩资料 is grounded in respect for and commitment to six core public service values:

  1. community engagement;
  2. democratic processes and institutions;
  3. diversity, equity and inclusion;
  4. ethical behavior;
  5. facts and evidence; and
  6. personal and professional self鈥恟eflection.

Community Engagement. The MPA program utilizes the Carnegie Foundation definition of community engagement as involving 鈥渃ollaboration between institutions of higher education and their larger communities (local, regional/state, national, global) for the mutually beneficial creation and exchange of knowledge and resources in a context of partnership and reciprocity.鈥 Specifically, the MPA program embraces the idea that public service happens with communities, and public service leaders need to be able to facilitate and build consensus across differences. The program models this ideal in its teaching, research, service and the integration of the three by partnering with key stakeholders in the community (students, residents, clients, etc.) and educating others (students and partners in government and civil society) about how to engage their communities in meaningful ways.

Democratic Processes and Institutions. We believe that public service depends on the participation of all members of a community and the primacy of democratic decision making in government and nonprofit organizations. We affirm the legitimacy of the processes that elect our representatives in government. We recognize that institutions include unelected public service professionals and we acknowledge their expertise and the essential role they play in governance. MPA faculty, staff, students and alumni will understand and help educate others about the foundational importance of these processes and institutions, working to protect the fundamental rights of individuals and groups 鈥 particularly those who have historically been marginalized or are not in the majority.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). The MPA program believes that public service requires an opportunity for all individuals to be full participants. Because structural barriers continue to exist, promoting DEI demands that public service professionals be equipped to change public and internal policies that are grounded 鈥 explicitly or implicitly 鈥 in racism and other identity-based inequities. The MPA program places a dedicated focus on each individual aspect of DEI. We understand diversity to include and extend beyond protected classes, and to be particularly attentive to marginalized identity groups. Equity refers not only to equal access but also to equitable outcomes. Inclusion is the extent to which members of all of these groups feel welcomed and valued in our institutions. MPA faculty and students will demonstrate an understanding that diversity, equity and inclusion are essential to effective public service and require proactive efforts at the individual, organizational and community levels within domestic and global contexts. Attaining and maintaining DEI requires self鈥恟eflection and deliberate efforts that may cause discomfort in those who have benefited by their absence.

Ethical Behavior. Public service is an honor and a responsibility that demands much more of leaders than simply complying with laws and regulations or avoiding wrongdoing. Faculty and students are expected to model the highest standards of personal and professional ethics, honesty and integrity. This includes, but is not limited to, being transparent about decisions and decision criteria, being accountable to the public, broadly defined, and accepting responsibility for the impact, not merely the intentions, of one's actions. Accountability and ethics in public service encompass a responsibility to support and maintain sustainable communities. We encourage a recognition that the rule of law generally establishes a minimum threshold for behavior, but that when laws and policies themselves violate public service values, ethical behavior requires that public servants take steps to modify the policies. We aim to have faculty, students and alumni lead by example and to set a high ethical standard in the community for others to follow.

Facts and Evidence. Reliance on facts, and evidenced based decision鈥恗aking, is particularly important within public service as a means to earn public trust and promote public interest. In environments where facts are contested, professional public servants need to be able to respectfully help individuals and groups to recognize when opinions are being presented as facts, and guide them to identify reliable information and to utilize evidence. A respect for facts also demands that individuals and organizations be transparent about the evidence they are using in decision making. Within the MPA program, the respect for facts is reflected in a commitment to making decisions based on evidence, and helping students and community partners to differentiate between reliable (evidence鈥恇ased) and unreliable (ideologically鈥恇ased) sources of information.

Personal and Professional Self鈥怰eflection. In support of the other core values, the MPA program espouses and practices a process of continuous and lifelong learning that begins with self鈥 reflection at the individual level and extends to organizational and system levels. Public service is about serving others rather than self-aggrandizement or self鈥恑nterest. It requires a level of humility and introspection that can be supported by valuing and practicing self鈥恟eflection to learn from one鈥檚 mistakes and to strive to do better. The purpose of this reflection is to position individuals and organizations to be better able to engage their communities; protect democratic processes and institutions; promote diversity, equity and inclusion; model ethical behavior; and advance reliance on facts.

Master of Public Administration Program

The Master of Public Administration (MPA) program is fully accredited by the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA). The MPA is a 42-credit professional degree (40 credits for in-career students with at least three years of public and/or nonprofit administrative experience) and may be completed on either a full- or part-time basis. Students who earn a grade of B- or below in any core (required) course must repeat that course and earn a grade of B or better. Students who fail to earn a B or better grade the second time they take a core (required) course will be severed from the MPA program.



Students admitted into the MPA program are required to complete 42 credits of coursework with a cumulative grade-point average of 3.0. In addition, candidates must receive a B or higher grade in all core (required) courses. Students may retake any course only one time for credit provided their original grade was B- or lower.

The 42-credit MPA program consists of 25 credits of seven core courses where students are introduced to the knowledge and skills they need for professional public service, 12 credits of electives, a two-credit internship and a 3-credit e-portfolio course that serves as a culminating experience and provides students an opportunity to demonstrate their competencies.

Basic Skills Courses

Students may complete one or more of the basic skills courses (PAFF 502 Basic Computer Skills; PAFF 503 Introduction to Administrative Systems) while in the MPA program. Additionally, the MPA faculty strongly encourages all students who receive feedback that their background or skills need development, to request admission into these courses. These courses do not count towards the MPA degree.

Core Courses

The core courses provide students with an introduction to essential knowledge, skills and abilities and provide a preliminary opportunity to obtain feedback on their competencies in key areas.

  • PAFF 510 Research Design & Methods (4 cr.)
  • PAFF 521 Foundations of Public Service (4 cr.)
  • PAFF 520 21st Century Governance (4 cr.)
  • PAFF 527 Budgeting & Financial Management (4 cr.)
  • Evidence-Based Decision Making (4 cr.); to fulfill this requirement, students will complete one of the following courses: Policy Analysis (PAFF 523), Program Evaluation (PAFF 515) or Performance Analysis (PAFF 516)
  • Managing People in Organizations (3 cr.); to fulfill this requirement, students will complete one of the following courses: Leadership in Public Service (PAFF 524), Human Resource Management (PAFF 534), Organizational Theory (PAFF 535), Project Management (PAFF 532) or Managing Networks (PAFF 536)
  • PAFF 526 Managing Information and Technology (2 cr.)


The 12 elective credits are designed to allow students to have some flexibility to design a program of study that best meets their individual professional aspirations. As their elective coursework, students may opt to take a three/four-course sequence in order to receive advanced training and professional preparation in a particular area.  

The Department of Public Administration offers three certificates:  

  • Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention (GMAP)
  • Local Government Management 
  • Nonprofit Administration

The department also has relationships with the Sustainable Communities program, the Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences (for students interested in health-related fields) and with the Geography Department (for students interested in environmental policy), along with many other programs in the College of Community and Public Affairs and 香港六合彩资料. Dual-degree students complete elective courses in the discipline of their other degree. Students are not required to complete a certificate; students may select any combination of graduate electives in consultation with their MPA advisor.

Application of Learning

As a professional degree program, the MPA must certify a student's ability to apply knowledge and to link theories to practice, which takes time and effort. In order to demonstrate competency in this area, students take a two-credit internship.  


Because the MPA is a professional degree, the faculty has a responsibility to future employers of our graduates and to the communities that those graduates will serve to ensure that students have essential competencies and demonstrate a high level of professionalism. Beyond completion of the required courses and credit hours, eligibility for internship placement and registration for PAFF 589 The Reflective Practitioner are contingent upon the student's receiving satisfactory assessments and MPA program authorization to proceed to the internship and e-portfolio.

An internship in a public or nonprofit organization provides the student with an opportunity to apply knowledge and skills from their courses to a work setting. It is also a way for the program to demonstrate to professional public service organizations the contributions that MPA students can make to their organizations. Student performance in an internship is a direct reflection on the program. As such, the program has a responsibility to ensure that students have demonstrated not only the acquisition of knowledge and skills, but also a level of professionalism, maturity and reliability expected of an MPA student. Additionally, based on a student's selection of courses and performance within those individual courses, some types of internship placements may be more suitable than others. The assessments are designed to provide both the MPA internship coordinator and the student with information on whether the student has demonstrated necessary levels of competence for an internship placement, if there are particular types of internships that would be appropriate for the student or if there are particular competencies that need to be demonstrated before an internship placement can be authorized.

Following completion of 17 credit hours, which must include PAFF 510 (Research Design and Methods), PAFF 520 (21st Century Governance) and PAFF 521 (Foundations of Public Service), and contingent upon satisfactory evaluations from the MPA faculty, students complete a 300-hour public administration internship.

Students pursuing a local government or nonprofit certificate are generally expected to complete an internship in that sector (nonprofit or local government). Interns are expected to engage in professional tasks and projects in areas such as the development, planning, implementation and/or analysis/evaluation of policy, finance, management, supervision, strategy, program and other administrative functions. Students intending to complete their internships must register for the 2-credit PAFF 594 course to earn credit.

It is the student's responsibility to identify and contact possible internship sites. They may contact the internship coordinator for assistance, if needed. After meeting with the internship coordinator and the site supervisor to discuss possible activities and responsibilities, a memorandum of understanding (MOU) defining the scope of work and specifying the goals, expectations, products/outcomes, conditions, and relevant policies and procedures will be developed by the student. This MOU must be signed by the student, the site supervisor and the internship coordinator prior to the commencement of the semester during which the internship will be completed. The student may not begin his/her internship without the MOU being signed by all parties and submitted to the internship coordinator.

The student is responsible for maintaining a journal or log of his/her internship experiences throughout the semester. It is the student's responsibility to raise and address issues with the appropriate supervisor (internship coordinator and/or site supervisor) as needed. The internship coordinator will also have periodic contact with the site supervisor.

The intern will be expected to evaluate their experience at the end of the internship in the form of a reflection memo. The site supervisor will also evaluate the intern. Both forms must be completed and submitted by the end of the semester in order to receive a grade (either 鈥淪atisfactory鈥 or 鈥淯nsatisfactory鈥) for the internship. The director of recruitment and internship placement reserves the right to terminate an internship at any point for the well-being of the student and the agency, and will meet with the student to discuss options for completion of the internship requirement. 

Students may be granted a waiver at time of admission if they show that they possess at least three years of public and/or nonprofit administrative experience. Students who receive waivers will not need to register for the internship course. To obtain a waiver, the student must submit a written request for a waiver, along with documentation of the extent and nature of work experience (e.g., a resume and job description). The internship coordinator will review all internship waiver requests. A copy of the waiver documentation will be maintained in the student's file and the student will receive written notification from the internship coordinator regarding whether or not the waiver was granted.

MPA students who are currently working in public or nonprofit administrative positions, but who do not have sufficient professional experience to qualify for an internship waiver, have an option to complete their internship at their place of work. These students will register for the internship course, complete a MOU and proceed with the process as described above.

More in-depth requirements, forms and additional information regarding the internship are located on the MPA website.

Culminating Experiences/Demonstration of Competencies

The MPA program 鈥 as a condition of continued accreditation and as part of our responsibility to the profession 鈥 must assess the competencies of each student before degree completion. To do this, students take PAFF 589 The Reflective Practitioner, in which they prepare an e-portfolio of their work in the program. The e-portfolios are designed to help students synthesize and apply material from across the MPA curriculum and demonstrate their competencies in key areas. 

PAFF 589 The Reflective Practitioner

PAFF 589 The Reflective Practitioner, is the culminating experience of the MPA program and the place where students are required to demonstrate the full range of competencies. In their e-portfolios, students compile representative materials from their courses (papers, reports, memos, policy briefs, etc.) and/or by developing new products to demonstrate: core competencies, certificate competencies (if applicable), transferable skills obtained from the internship and reflection on the MPA program experience. Successful completion of PAFF 589 is the final assessment of the student's readiness for graduation.

Because PAFF 589 is intended for students to demonstrate the knowledge they have acquired through the core MPA courses, it is incumbent on the faculty to ensure that students have demonstrated the necessary preparation before enrolling in the course. Permission to enroll in PAFF 589 is contingent upon satisfactory completion of at least six of the seven core courses and satisfactory completion of the internship (or evidence of an official waiver).

The program will make every effort to ensure that students who are permitted to enroll in PAFF 589 have the knowledge and skills to be successful; it is possible that on occasion students who are authorized to enroll in the course will not demonstrate the expected competencies in the course. Students who take PAFF 589 and then do not demonstrate competence in one or more of the required areas will be counseled on an individual professional development plan and the steps necessary for successful completion of the e-portfolio. Depending on the individual circumstances, students may have to continue revisions of the e-portfolio after the end of the semester, repeat the course in a subsequent semester, or take additional courses or independent studies. In exceptionally rare circumstances, where professional development plans do not result in the required level of competency, a student may fail PAFF 589 and be unable to complete the MPA degree.

Academic Advising

All students are assigned a faculty advisor during the orientation for new students. Faculty advisors assist students in planning their curriculum and provide additional academic counseling as needed. Students are required to meet with their advisors once a semester. Failure to meet this requirement may result in severance from the program.


Following the student's satisfactory completion of coursework (including any required prerequisites), and the e-portfolio, the program recommends to the Office of Student Records that the candidate be awarded the MPA degree.

Dual-Degree Graduate Programs

The MPA program currently offers three dual-degree opportunities that allow students to pursue two master's degrees concurrently:

  • Public Administration (MPA) 鈥 Social Work (MSW)
  • Public Administration (MPA) 鈥 Student Affairs Administration (MS)

Students interested in pursuing any of the dual- or double-degree programs should contact the director of admissions and student services for additional information.

Double-Degree Graduate Programs

The MPA program currently offers three double-degree opportunities that allow the student to pursue two master's degrees concurrently:

  • Public Administration (MPA) - Sustainable Communities (MA/MS)
  • Public Administration (MPA) - Systems Science (MS)
  • Public Administration (MPA) - Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention (MS)

Students interested in pursuing any of the dual- or double-degree programs should contact the director of admissions and student services for additional information.

Advanced Certificate Programs

There are several graduate advanced certificate programs available at 香港六合彩资料 that may be completed independent of a master's degree, as part of the MPA studies or in conjunction with another graduate major. The advanced certificate programs directly linked to the MPA curriculum include:

  • Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention (GMAP)
  • Local Government Management
  • Non-Profit Administration

Students must pass all courses they intend to count towards their certificate with a B or higher in order to receive the certificate. If a student intends to use a course to count towards their certificate, the course must be retaken if the student receives a B- or lower in the course. This requirement that a student must receive a B or higher grade to count a course towards their certificate applies to all three certificate programs, namely Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention, Local Government Management, and Non-Profit Administration.

Non-Profit Administration Certificate

The 15-credit Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Administration prepares students for service in the nonprofit sector, specifically professional management positions and volunteer board and community leadership activities. Students are required to complete:

  • PAFF 551 Introduction to Management and Leadership in Not-for-Profit Organizations (3 cr.)
  • PAFF 552 Issues in Not-for-Profit Administration (3 cr.)
  • PAFF 527 Budgeting and Financial Management (4 cr.)
  • PAFF 526 Managing Information and Technology (2 cr.)

Students may substitute an alternative to PAFF 552 with approval from the department chair if the department has not made the PAFF 552 course available to students in time for their graduation.

Students must also satisfactorily complete an additional three credits from the following list:

  • PAFF 514 Proposal Preparation and Grant Management (3 cr.)
  • PAFF 553 Nonprofit Innovation and Social Enterprise (3 cr.)
  • PAFF 554 Strategy Development in Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
  • PAFF 555 Intro to Nongovt Organizations (3 cr.)
  • PAFF 557 Nonprofit Fundraising and Marketing (3 cr.)
  • PAFF 558 Managing Immigrant Services (3 cr.)
  • PAFF 559 Workshop in Not-for-Profit Management (Variable cr.)
  • PAFF 569/SUST 500 Sustainable Communities I: Theory and Practice (4 cr.)
  • PAFF 585 Fundamentals of Emergency Management (3 cr.)
  • PAFF 581R Organizational Advancement and Fundraising (3 cr.)
  • Other courses offered with a nonprofit focus as approved by the department chair

Local Government Management Certificate

The 15-credit Graduate Certificate in Local Government Management is for individuals interested in positions in cities, counties, towns or villages. Students are required to complete:

  • PAFF 580 Forms and Structures of Local Government (3 cr.)
  • PAFF 581 Functions and Services of Local Government (3 cr.)
  • PAFF 527 Budgeting and Financial Management (4 cr.)
  • PAFF 526 Managing Information and Technology (2 cr.)

Students must also satisfactorily complete an additional three credits from the following list:

  • PAFF 531 Law for Administrators (3 cr.)
  • PAFF 533 Intergovernmental Relations (3 cr.)
  • PAFF 569/SUST 500 Sustainable Communities I: Theory and Practice (4 cr.)
  • PAFF 582 Sustainable Cities and Regions (3 cr.)
  • PAFF 583 Community and Economic Development (3 cr.)
  • PAFF 584 Comparative Local Government (3 cr.)
  • PAFF 585 Fundamentals of Emergency Management (3 cr.)
  • Courses offered in other departments with a clear local government focus as approved by the department chair (for example, certificate students would be encouraged to complete courses on issues related to land use planning, economic development, GIS mapping and spatial analysis)

Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention Certificate

The certificate consists of four courses (13-16 credits, depending on course selection) in each of which students must earn a grade of B or better. The courses include one required course (4 credits) and three additional courses, one selected (3-4 credits each) from each of these areas.


1. Foundations Course

PHIL 580K/PAFF 568 Essentials of Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention, (4 cr.) (offered every fall).

2. Historical Examples of GMAP (3-4 cr.)

One course from this category selected from an approved list which includes:

  • GMAP 502/PAFF 538C/HIST 501E Comparative Genocide
  • COLI 531G Colonization, Violence and Genocide
  • HIST 572C Middle East Forced Migrations
  • HIST 500 Genocide and Mass Atrocity in Soviet History
  • HIST 530A Issues: US History Before 1877
  • HIST 501U History & Memory
  • HIST 531 Civil Rights and Anti-Apartheid
  • HIST 552F Violence in Pre-Modern Era
  • HIST 572G Armenians & Kurds-Ottoman Empire
  • HIST 552F Race in Trans/National History
  • ANTH 572G Human Migration & Disease

3. Concepts, Actors and Institutions in GMAP (3-4 cr.)

One course from this category from an approved list which includes:

  • GMAP 504/PHIL 580D Transitional Justice
  • PAFF 555/GMAP 503 International NGOs
  • PAFF 538A Building Public Memory
  • PLSC 663W Human Rights and World Politics
  • PLSC 663Q Political Regimes & Transitions
  • AAAS 580I Language Power & Meaning

4. Methods of Understanding GMAP (3-4 cr.)

One course from this category selected from an approved list which includes: 

  • GMAP 501/PAFF 538B Micro-Dynamics of Mass Atrocities
  • ANTH 572C Anthropological Approaches to Human Rights
  • GEOL 552 Environmental Geophysics
  • PLSC 486A Models of Violent Conflict
  • NURSE 581G Forensic Health of Victims
  • NURS 581F Forensic Health of Offenders
  • NURS 581J Forensic Pediatrics ANTH 518 Ethnographic Analysis
  • PAFF 548A/NURS 540, Elem Epidemiology & Biostatistics
  • PAFF 523 Introduction to Policy Analysis
  • GEOG 503A Programming in GIS
  • GEOG 532 Introduction to Remote Sensing
  • ANTH 544 Methods in Forensic Anthropology
  • ANTH 572R Epidemiology

The courses listed above are illustrative of courses which will fulfill the requirements. Additional classes may be counted with approval of one of the co-directors of the Institute for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention. All certificate students must declare the intent to complete the certificate at least one semester before graduating, must be advised by one of the IGMAP co-directors, and must pay the Graduate School fee when registering for degree completion. For more information, contact the MPA department.  


Consideration for admission to the MPA program is open to all individuals with a BA or a BS degree from a recognized college or university that meets the admission requirements of 香港六合彩资料's Graduate School. 

All students applying to the MPA program must submit the online application. Application materials include an application form, transcripts, two letters of recommendation, personal statement and a r茅sum茅.

Those wishing to be considered for a graduate assistantship must have their applications in by February 1; applications received after this deadline are considered on a rolling basis/space available basis or are deferred until the next semester. Applications are accepted for both fall and spring semesters.

Each applicant is given a score based on his/her undergraduate GPA, letters of recommendation, personal statement and work experience. Each applicant's undergraduate GPA (or graduate GPA, if the student has taken more than 12 credits at the graduate level) may then be 鈥渁djusted鈥 based on the letters of recommendation (-0.2 to +0.2 points), personal statement (-0.2 to +0.2 points), work experience (0 to +0.2 points) and quality of university and/or degree program if known (-0.2 to +0.2 points). The admissions committee can deny admission if an applicant's letters of recommendation and/or personal statement are below an acceptable level. When evaluating the letters of recommendation, the admissions committee looks for evidence of academic achievement, community involvement and personal characteristics that enables them to foster an institutional culture that advances democratic administration and governance. In the personal statement, the committee assesses the student's commitment to public and/or nonprofit administration, as well as their ability to communicate in writing. Significant work experience (five or more years in the public or nonprofit sector) can earn applicants a positive adjustment to their admissions scores; however, the lack of work experience does not result in a penalty.

Guaranteed Admission for SUNY Graduates

Guaranteed admission for some SUNY graduates is designed to accommodate the strongest applicants from seven of the most competitive SUNY schools. The program is open to students who hold a bachelor's degree with a GPA of 3.5 or higher from:

  • 香港六合彩资料
  • University at Albany
  • University at Buffalo
  • State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry
  • State University of New York at Geneseo
  • State University of New York at New Paltz
  • Stony Brook University

Students who meet these requirements and apply by the stated deadlines are guaranteed admission into the MPA program.

Transfer of Credits

Students may request a transfer of up to 12 graduate credits from other institutions or programs (including MPA courses taken as non-matriculated students) when these courses have been taken within five years of the time of entry into the program. Requests for transfer of credits from institutions other than 香港六合彩资料 must be accompanied by an Application for Transfer Credit Form. Requests to apply credits from other programs at 香港六合彩资料, or from non-matriculated status, must be made in writing to the director of admissions and student services.

Financial Assistance

Graduate Assistantships

Each year the Provost's Office allocates funds for graduate assistantships to the College of Community and Public Affairs. The stipend level is a fixed amount, and the department will determine whether assistants will qualify for a tuition scholarship. Funding for these positions is provided by the state of New York, and is therefore subject to a degree of uncertainty and change from year to year. Currently, graduate assistants qualify for health insurance coverage. Students may receive assistantships for a semester or an academic year.

There are four possible sources of funding for graduate assistants in the MPA program:

1. University allocations provided on a 鈥渇ormula鈥 basis from the Provost's Office. One full-time assistant is equal to one line. One-half line can be used to pay for a student for one semester or half the student's costs for two semesters.

2. The Clifford D. Clark Diversity Fellowships for Graduate Students. This is a two-year fellowship that is funded half through the MPA department and half through the Graduate School. The Clifford D. Clark Diversity Fellowships for Graduate Students are named for a former president of the University (1975鈥1990) and are funded by the State University of New York and an endowment fund. Clark Fellowships are merit-based and designed to recruit and support students who have been admitted to graduate study and contribute to the diversity of the student body in the graduate program in which enrollment is sought. The funding package includes an academic year stipend, full tuition scholarship, health insurance, a guaranteed award period (with satisfactory academic progress), research and travel opportunities and other benefits. Candidates for a Clark Fellowship must:

  • Be U.S. citizens or have permanent resident status;
  • Be newly admitted to a graduate program; and
  • Demonstrate how they will contribute to the diversity of the student body in their program.

3. Departmental funding. The program may award assistantships using its own funds (either a portion of the state account, or Income Fund Reimbursable accounts).

4. Grant and contract funds. These awards are dependent upon the availability of resources created by the successful grant and contract activity of MPA program faculty.

Selection Process for Graduate Assistants

Continuing Assistants

Each year, CCPA determines the number of assistantship lines available to the Department of Public Administration. Continuing students with previous support have the highest priority for an assistantship provided they:

  • Have not exceeded their eligibility of four academic year semesters; and
  • Are in good standing with the program.

An assistant is in good standing if he or she has earned at least a 3.0 in every course, is making timely progress toward completion of the degree and has a positive written evaluation from the faculty supervisor(s). Graduate assistants' performance will be evaluated at the end of each semester after grades have been submitted, and any graduate assistant who is no longer in good standing will lose their graduate assistantship even if this change occurs midway through the contract period.

New Assistants

The MPA admissions committee will review the academic files of all students who have applied for new assistantships and will rank them according to the following criteria:

  • demonstrated ability to meet the academic rigors of graduate school as determined by undergraduate academic transcripts and writing samples;
  • demonstrated leadership ability;
  • demonstrated intellectual curiosity; and
    good citizenship.

At the discretion of the admissions committee, it (or a subcommittee) may interview applicants to determine who will receive new assistantships.

Job Description for University, Clark Fellowship and Departmental Awards

Graduate assistants must be in good academic standing at all times. Graduate assistants in the Department of Public Administration assist faculty in their research activities and may support other department initiatives. The activities include but are not limited to: conducting literature reviews; securing funding for research; collecting, organizing and analyzing data; and writing research papers and reports. Because of their close association with department faculty, their fellow students will perceive graduate assistants to be leaders within the program. Therefore, graduate assistants are expected to attend all department and CCPA-sponsored activities such as lectures, colloquia and social events, and will actively support the MPA Graduate Student Organization. Their faculty supervisor may assign other duties.

At the discretion of the admissions committee, it (or a subcommittee) may interview applicants to determine who will receive new assistantships.

Tuition Scholarships for Graduate Assistants

A supported student with less than 24 hours of graduate credits is eligible for a tuition scholarship for up to 12 credit hours (in-state rates) per semester. After 24 credit hours have been taken, a student is qualified for a tuition scholarship of only 9 credit hours per semester (in-state rates).

Work Requirements for Graduate Assistants

Assistants receiving a full-tuition scholarship and stipend shall work 20 hours per week. 

Research Assistantships

Faculty can write grants or win contracts to conduct work. Faculty members who are the principal investigator (PI) of a grant or contract may hire research assistants to assist them with the project. The PI may fund a research assistant position for a semester, an academic year or a summer. The terms of employment for the research assistant are negotiated between the PI and the assistant and the PI has sole authority for determining whether the RA is making satisfactory progress and should be renewed or not. All RA positions are temporary and contingent upon the availability of grant or contract funds. Financial assistance, including for research/teaching, partial tuition offset and fellowships (limited availability), is available to some qualified applicants. The MPA admissions committee will develop and publish criteria for making financial aid decisions, including application deadlines for awards.

Academic Grievance

A student with a complaint about a grade or other academic grievances, should first meet to try to resolve it. If, after meeting with the course instructor, the student wishes to pursue further action, they should meet with their program director or department chair to discuss options. A copy of the CCPA Grievance Procedure is available from the CCPA Deans Office.

Academic Honesty, Professionalism and Code of Ethics

Public administrators are expected to adhere to the highest ethical standards as they are entrusted by the citizenry with the implementation of public policy. Consequently, the Department of Public Administration takes violations of the Student Academic Honesty Code very seriously. However, the faculty understands the pressures of graduate school and urges students to seek consultation if they feel they are unable to complete assignments properly in a timely fashion. It is recognized that most students do not intend to plagiarize, but do so because of concerns that their work will not 鈥渕ake the grade.鈥

The Student Academic Honesty Code can be reviewed on The Graduate School website. In the event a violation of the Academic Honesty Code is suspected, the College of Community and Public Affairs鈥 procedures for resolving academic honesty cases will be followed.

The Department of Public Administration also holds students, faculty and staff to the Code of Ethics of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA).

Practices to Promote the ASPA Code of Ethics

The ASPA Code of Ethics is a statement of the aspirations and high expectations of public servants. These practices serve as a guide to behavior for members of ASPA in carrying out its principles. The code and these practices are intended to be used as a whole and in conjunction with one another. An ethical public servant will consider the full range of standards and values that are relevant to handling a specific matter and be committed to upholding both the spirit and the letter of this code.

ASPA Members are Committed to:

  • Advance the Public Interest. Promote the interests of the public and put service to the public above service to oneself.
    • Seek to advance the good of the public as a whole, taking into account current and long-term interests of the society.
    • Exercise discretionary authority to promote the public interest.
    • Be prepared to make decisions that may not be popular, but that are in the public's best interest.
    • Subordinate personal interests and institutional loyalties to the public good.
    • Serve all persons with courtesy, respect and dedication to high standards.
  • Uphold the Constitution and the Law. Respect and support government constitutions and laws, while seeking to improve laws and policies to promote the public good.
    • Recognize and understand the constitutional, legislative and regulatory framework in which you work and fully discharge your professional roles and responsibilities.
    • Promote constitutional principles of equality, fairness, representativeness, responsiveness and due process in protecting citizens' rights and promoting the public good.
    • Develop proposals for sound laws and policies and for improving or eliminating laws and policies that are unethical, counterproductive or obsolete.
    • Respect and safeguard protected and confidential information.
  • Promote Democratic Participation. Inform the public and encourage active engagement in governance. Be open, transparent and responsive and respect and assist all persons in their dealings with public organizations.
    • Be open and transparent while protecting privacy rights and security.
    • Recognize and support the public's right to know the public's business.
    • Involve the community in the development, implementation and assessment of policies and public programs and seek to empower citizens in the democratic process, including special assistance to those who lack resources or influence.
    • Assist members of the public in their dealings with the government and respond to the public in ways that are complete, clear and easy to understand.
    • Promote timely and continuing dissemination of information about government activities to the community, ensuring a fair and transparent process and educating citizens to make effective contributions.
  • Strengthen Social Equity. Treat all persons with fairness, justice and equality and respect individual differences, rights and freedoms. Promote affirmative action and other initiatives to reduce unfairness, injustice and inequality in society.
    • Provide services to the public with impartiality and consistency tempered by recognition of differences. Ensure that all persons have access to programs and services to which they are entitled under the law and maintain equitable standards of quality for all who receive the programs and services.
    • Provide equal treatment, protection and due process to all persons.
    • Oppose all forms of discrimination and harassment and promote affirmative action, cultural competence and other efforts to reduce disparities in outcomes and increase the inclusion of underrepresented groups.
  • Fully Inform and Advise. Provide accurate, honest, comprehensive and timely information and advice to elected and appointed officials and governing board members and to staff members in your organization.
    • Provide information and advice based on a complete and impartial review of circumstances and needs of the public and the goals and objectives of the organization.
    • Be prepared to provide information and recommendations that may not be popular or preferred by superiors and colleagues.
  • Demonstrate Personal Integrity. Adhere to the highest standards of conduct to inspire public confidence and trust in public service.
    • Exercise integrity, courage, compassion, benevolence and optimism.
    • Maintain truthfulness and honesty and do not compromise them for advancement, honor or personal gain.
    • Resist political, organizational and personal pressures to compromise ethical integrity and principles and support others who are subject to these pressures.
    • Accept individual responsibility for your actions and the consequences of your actions.
    • Guard against using public position for personal gain or to advance personal or private interests.
    • Zealously guard against conflict of interest or its appearance. Disclose any interests that may affect objectivity in making decisions and recuse oneself from participation in those decisions.
    • Conduct official acts without partisanship or favoritism.
    • Ensure that others receive credit for their work and contributions.
  • Promote Ethical Organizations: Strive to attain the highest standards of ethics, stewardship and public service in organizations that serve the public.
    • Work to establish procedures that hold individuals and the organization accountable for their conduct and support these procedures with clear reporting of activities and accomplishments.
    • Act as stewards of public funds by the strategic, effective and efficient use of resources; by regularly reexamining the efficacy of policies, programs and services; and by seeking to prevent all forms of mismanagement or waste.
    • Encourage open expression of views by staff members within the organization and provide administrative channels for dissent. Protect the whistleblowing rights of public employees, provide assurance of due process and safeguards against reprisal and give support to colleagues who are victims of retribution.
    • Seek to correct instances of wrongdoing or report them to superiors. If remedies cannot be assured by reporting wrongdoing internally, seek external sources or agencies for review and action.
    • Support merit principles that promote excellence, competence and professionalism in the selection and promotion of public officials and employees and protect against biased, arbitrary and capricious actions.
    • Promote proactive efforts to increase the representativeness of the public workforce and the full inclusion of persons with diverse characteristics.
    • Encourage organizations to adopt, distribute and periodically review a code of ethics as a living document that applies principles of this code and other relevant codes to the specific mission and conditions of the organization.
  • Advance Professional Excellence: Strengthen personal capabilities to act competently and ethically and encourage the professional development of others.
    • Keep up-to-date on emerging issues, practices and potential problems that could affect your performance and accomplishing the mission of your organization.
    • Provide support and encouragement to others to upgrade competence and participate in professional activities and associations.
    • Allocate time and resources to the professional development of students, interns, beginning professionals and other colleagues.

List of Faculty