Suicide Awareness

If you or a friend are in immediate danger, call 9-1-1. You can also click here for more resources.

You can also refer someone to the The CARE Team or Consultation, Assessment, Referral and Education team 

The common link among people who commit suicide is the belief that it is the only solution to a set of overwhelming feelings. The attraction of suicide is that it will finally end these unbearable feelings. The tragedy of suicide is that intense emotional distress often blinds people to alternative solutions...yet other solutions are almost always available.

We all experience feelings of loneliness, depression, helplessness and hopelessness from time to time. The death of a family member, the breakup of a relationship, blows to our self-esteem, feelings of worthlessness and/or major financial setbacks are serious problems which all of us may have to face at some point in our lives. Because each person's emotional makeup is unique, each of us responds to situations differently. In considering whether a person may be suicidal, it is imperative that the crisis be evaluated from that person's perspective. What may seem of minor importance to someone else, and an event that may be insignificant to you, can be extremely distressful to another. Regardless of the nature of the crisis, if a person feels overwhelmed, there is danger that suicide may seem an attractive solution.

Warning signs

At least 70 percent of all people committing suicide give some clue as to their intentions before they make an attempt. Becoming aware of these clues and the severity of the person's problems can help prevent such a tragedy.

  • Talking about wanting to die
  • Talking about being a burden
  • Feeling hopeless or trapped
  • Feeling very lonely
  • Reckless behavior
  • Withdrawing or isolating themselves
  • Extreme mood swings
  • Changes from usual eating or sleeping
  • Sudden drastic change in behavior
  • Loss of interest in activities or relationships

Myths about suicide 

  • MYTH:  "You have to be crazy even to think about suicide."
  • FACT: Most people have thought about suicide from time to time. Most suicides and suicide attempts are made by intelligent, temporarily confused individuals who are expecting too much of themselves, especially in the midst of a crisis.
  • MYTH: "Once a person has made a serious suicide attempt, that person is unlikely to make another."
  • FACT: The opposite is often true. People who have made prior suicide attempts may be at greater risk of actually committing suicide; for some, suicide attempts may seem easier a second or third time.
  • MYTH: "If a person is seriously considering suicide, there is nothing you can do."
  • FACT: Most suicide crises are time-limited and based on unclear thinking. People attempting suicide want to escape from their problems. Instead, they need to confront their problems directly in order to find other solutions, solutions which can be found with the help of concerned individuals who support them through the crisis period, until they are able to think more clearly.
  • MYTH: "Talking about suicide may give a person the idea."
  • FACT: The crisis and resulting emotional distress will already have triggered the thought in a vulnerable person. Your openness and concern in asking about suicide will allow the person experiencing pain to talk about the problem which may help reduce his or her anxiety. This may also allow the person with suicidal thoughts to feel less lonely or isolated, and perhaps a bit relieved.