Stay Calm and Study Abroad at the Labyrinth

Day Thursday, August 20
Time 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Where Meditation Labyrinth

Welcome new students! Are you interested in studying abroad but not sure where to begin? At the Office of International Education and Global Initiatives (IEGI), we know the initial stages of education abroad can feel like a maze. "Stay Calm and Study Abroad" will break down the first steps of studying abroad, while also introducing new students to the meditation labyrinth -- a fun resource for Bing students to stay calm in the midst of stress. Not sure what (or where) the labyrinth is? Check-out this link: /bhealthy/labyrinth.html
This is a casual, drop-by event. Come anytime between 6:30 and 8 p.m. Note that masks are required to attend and social distancing will be strictly enforced.

If there is inclement weather, we will send event updates via email to those who have registered. Rain date is 6:30-8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 27. 

Remember, it's never too early to start looking into studying abroad! We look forward to seeing you there!


Add to Calendar 08/20/2020 6:30 PM 08/20/2020 8:00 PM America/New_York Stay Calm and Study Abroad at the Labyrinth Welcome new students! Are you interested in studying abroad but not sure where to begin? At the Office of International Education and Global Initiatives (IEGI), we know the initial stages of education abroad can feel like a maze. "Stay Calm and Study Abroad" will break down the first steps of studying abroad, while also introducing new students to the meditation labyrinth -- a fun resource for Bing students to stay calm in the midst of stress. Not sure what (or where) the labyrinth is? Check-out this link:&nbsp;<a href="/bhealthy/labyrinth.html">/<u></u>bhealthy/labyrinth.html</a><br>This is a casual, drop-by event. Come anytime between 6:30 and 8 p.m. Note that masks are required to attend and social distancing will be strictly enforced.<br><br>If there is inclement&nbsp;weather, we will send&nbsp;event&nbsp;updates&nbsp;via email to those who have registered. Rain date is 6:30-8 p.m. Thursday, Meditation Labyrinth